
Alvaro Torres-Calderon, Ph.D.

Alvaro Torres-Calderon

Associate Department Head

Associate Professor, Spanish, Program Director of Study Abroad in Peru


Office locationDunlap Hall, 306-B,

Area(s) of Expertise: XIX and XX Latin American Literature, The Building of the Nation, Women, Identity and Progress in Latin America XIX and XX Century


Alvaro Torres-Calderón, Ph.D., is from Lima, Perú. He received his degree in Law and Political Sciences at the Universidad de Lima. He went on to earn a M.A. degree in Romance Languages from The University of Memphis and a Doctorate in Spanish from Florida State University. His specialization is 19th and 20th Century Latin American Literature. He serves as Associate Professor of Spanish at University of North Georgia. His publications include: "Alejo Carpentier y el Hombre Fronterizo: Una Constante en el Reino de Este Mundo" for the book Alejo Carpentier ante la crítica. Caracas, Monte Avila. 2005. He has contributed for the Peruvian Literary Journal Tinta Expresa with the article "Nación, Identidad y Frontera en la Prosa de Clorinda Matto de Turner" (2015). He recently published his bilingual book titled Mujer, nación y progreso en el discurso del exilio de Clorinda Matto de Turner y Juana Manuela Gorriti/ Woman, Nation and Progress in the Exile Discourse of Clorinda Matto de Turner and Juana Manuela Gorriti. Lima: Editorial Universitaria. Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2018. Torres-Calderón also has published several poems for the Stonepile Writers’ Anthologies Volumes 1, 2 and 3 from the University Press of North Georgia in November 2010, 2011 and 2013. His book of poems, Claroscuro, was published in Lima in 2010 by Línea Andina and its bilingual version Chiaroscuro in Chicago: Pandora Lobo Estepario, 2014. Two anthologies in Spain and Romania respectively, contain published some of of his selected work. His collaborations as a guest writer/poet can be found in digital literary and art journals from the U.S., Spain, and Romania. His research and interests include Translations, Music, Film, Theater, Cuisine, Integration Law, Andean Cultures, Latin-American and Spanish female writers, José Martí, and Latin American civilization.

Courses Taught

- Spanish at all levels, including Latin American Literature I, Commercial Spanish, Culture and Civilization of Latin America, and Women Writers from Spain and Latin America. 

- Traditional and Contemporary Andean Cultures


  • Ph.D. , Spanish. Concentration in Latin American Literature XIX and XX Century , Florida State University , 2006
  • M.A. , Romance Languages , University of Memphis , 2002
  • Juris Prudence Doctor and Political Sciences , School of Law, Universidad de Lima , 1997

Research/Special Interests

XIX and XX Century Latin America. The Building of the Nation, Women, Identity and Progress in Latin America XIX Century

Work Experience

  • University of North Georgia. Associate Professor of Spanish 2006-present.
  • Florida State University. Teaching Assistant. 2003-2006
  • University of Memphis. Teaching Assistant. 2001-2002.

Personal Information


  • South Atlantic Modern Language Association
  • Feministas Unidas
  • ACTFL (American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages)
  • Latin American Studies Association
  • Modern Language Association
  • Stonepile Writers Group of North Georgia.
  • The Law School/Bar of Lima
  • Circolo Sportivo Italiano Societta Canottieri “Italia”
  • Lima Country Club
  • USG Americas Council