
Mingyuan Yan, Ph.D.

Mingyuan Yan

Associate Professor - Computer Science


Office locationCottrell Center, 307,


Dr. Mingyuan Yan serves as an assistant professor of computer science in the Mike Cottrell College of Business at the University of North Georgia.

Courses Taught

CSCI 1302: Computer Science II, CSCI 3200: Data Structures and Analysis, CSCI 3410: Introduction to Databases, CSCI 3510: Networking and Communications, CSCI 4200: Programming Languages


  • Ph.D., Computer Science, Georgia State University, 2015
  • M.S., Computer Science, Georgia State University, 2012
  • M.S., Information Security, Wuhan University, 2010
  • B.S., Computer Science and Technology, Wuhan University, 2008


Ji, S., Yan, M., Beyah, R., Cai, Z. (2016). Semi-Structure Routing and Performance Analysis for Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE transaction on Mobile Computing, 2016 Vol. 15(04-April), 996-1008. https://www.computer.org/csdl/trans/tm/2016/04/07118722.pdf

Han, M., Yan, M., Cai, Z., Li, Y. (in press). An Exploration of Broader Influence Maximization in Timeliness Networks with Opportunistic Selection. Journal of Network and Computer Applications.