
5.1.3 Promotion & Tenure (P&T) Review Process

Candidates must be informed that they are eligible for promotion and/or tenure review in the next academic year.  For Pre-Tenure Review, if a candidate is eligible for pre-tenure review in their first year of employment they must be notified when hired.

Department Promotion & Tenure Review Committee (DPTRC)

At the beginning of each academic year, department heads/coordinators will appoint representatives from the tenured candidates at the rank of associate or full professor to serve on the DPTRC. The number of members serving on the DPTRC will depend upon the number of candidates in the department to be sufficient for the workload and must represent all the University campuses where there is more than one tenured candidate at the rank of associate or full professor primarily assigned to that campus by the department. For the libraries, the DPTRC will consist of representatives appointed by head librarians, in conjunction with the dean, from the tenure-track candidates at the rank of associate or full professor and must represent all the University campuses.  In the case of departments with fewer than three full-time candidates, the department heads/coordinators in conjunction with the dean will designate representatives from similar discipline areas to serve on the DPTRC.

Members of the DPTRC will serve for two years, and the terms will be staggered so that there are some returning members each year.  Membership may be repeated consecutively. The DPTRC members will select the chair. Members of the DPTRC should not serve in the same academic year on the university-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee; however, if necessary, they may also serve on the college Promotion and Tenure Committee. The DPTRC will review the P&T documentation from all the candidates eligible for tenure (“candidates”) in their department and provide a written review letter with positive or negative recommendations for each candidate.

College Promotion and Tenure Committee (CPTC)

The deans will appoint representatives from the tenured associate and full professors from all departments or equivalent academic units and from all the university campuses to serve on the CPTC. Appointees must represent all the University campuses where there are more than one tenured candidate at the rank of associate or full professor primarily assigned to that campus by the college. In departments or units that are not associated with a college, the dean or academic administrator in charge will appoint at least one representative from the department and designate at least three representatives from other disciplines at the rank of associate or full professor from University campuses to serve on the CPTC. Members of the CPTC will serve for two years, and the terms will be staggered so that there are some returning members each year. Membership may be repeated consecutively. The CPTC members will select the chair.  If possible, the CPTC members should not serve on the university-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee. The CPTC will review the P&T documentation from all the candidates in their college and provide a written review letter with positive or negative recommendations for each candidate.

University-Wide Promotion and Tenure Committee (UWPTC)

The UWPTC will review and make recommendations for candidates requesting promotion and/or tenure. The provost is responsible for establishing and charging the UWPTC, which shall be composed of two tenured candidates holding the rank of professor from each college and one representative from the library. None of the members of the UWPTC may serve in an administrative position above the level of department head or coordinator. In cases where a department head/coordinators’ portfolio is under consideration, they will recuse themselves.  The number of department heads serving on the UWPTC will not exceed 20% of the members of the committee.